Revolver Ranee: No man’s land

Now tell me, how many of you listened carefully to the speeches in Parliament? Sachchi-mucchi say. Did you feel ashamed you voted for those thugs? Don’t bring in that ego, now. That big, big man said such rubbish. Who will believe him? Maran was the only one who proved to be a real pain for the big, big man.

I toh strongly believe we all living below the Vindhyas should put the disclaimer: ‘We do NOT belong to the land below the Himalayas from below Kashmir to above the Vindhyas’. Whatever they do and say is NOT representative of us. Sheh, full izzat ka falooda only happens, every time one of them opens their mouth.

What all they speak, giving no thought. First, all reacted to Article 370 as if they have conquered Everest. Quietly they unleash the CAB. Fattus cannot take on China, they spare Arunachal. Those Nagas toh should not be messed with, no baba, let us send big, big man to the border.

He can easily protect 10-odd people, as huge human shield. And Mizoram too, they can’t mess with, all three have special constitutional status. Pachka only. And what they blabber, trying to cause internal strife. While bhakts root for these thugs, North East is burning.

We don’t need any more violence, life is way too cheap in our country. Meanwhile, which idiot said Mumbai city is safe? Have people been reading about rise in violence, that too heinous -- daughter and boyfriend chopping father, father killing kids, mother throwing baby girl from high-rise. How does all this bode well for our city.

We need serious policing. Speaking of whom, the police need to be seen, vehicles have taken over our city. Those two-wheelers are ticking time bombs. Parents riding them with multiple kids, it’s like killer cells of Mumbai city on two wheels.

They are grooming potential killers, as they show their kids how to risk their lives, throw caution to the winds, break every traffic rule and endanger lives of others. Many of them are law-protectors themselves.

And have you seen how this Bada Jhoot Party is trying and trying to make inroads into new government! They are not wanting to sit in the opposition. Arre, that pathological 'Me punha yein' mumbler may just start all over again.

Sheh man, like long-play record with pin stuck. His detractors are busy circulating proof of his involvement in their defeat. One is going to travel across the state in the name of her father and from her banner, she knocked off Feku's face. Daringbaaz lady, she.

While a li'l birdie told me sonny sits in papa CM's cabin all the time. Me knows not who is the real CM, saamney aao. What to say, kaccha nimbu is not supposed to know everything.

This whole gharkul yojana of running the government as if it’s a private enterprise will irk our ekach dada, man. Those tiger cub knees may just shake with fright if dada's needle goes up. I'm toh waiting. Bring out the popcorn, fun times only.

from Free Press Journal

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